Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH) coordinates the activities of data analysis and machine learning development in WP3 of the Cogniplant project.
The main goal is the identification of the relation between sensor data and process inputs with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the industrial processes. Already performed tasks cover i) preprocessing of data, ii) identification and creation of required aggregations and adaptations of data, as well as iii) collection of expert knowledge and metadata based on the requirements for data analysis and machine learning.
Currently, SCCH focuses on the machine learning aspects and the integration of expert knowledge into the feature selection process, which enhances explainability and strengthens the trust into models. Various approaches are tested and evaluated, ranging from filter-based methods to genetic algorithms, and indicate improvements on both the trust into the developed system as well as on the accuracy of the results.
Attention is also paid on industrial big data regarding efficient storage and (pre-)processing to avoid bottlenecks and computationally expensive processing. 

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